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At Latymer Upper School, we place particular emphasis on nurturing our teachers intellectually and professionally, supporting their own development as lifelong learners and educators. As a result, we attract talented and ambitious academic staff who make inspirational teachers and stimulating colleagues.

Teaching staff


Susan Wijeratna, BA

Deputy Head

Ian Emerson, MA, BSc Senior Deputy Head

Lucy Cole, BSc, MA (Ed) Deputy Head (Co-curricular and Operations)

Hugh Stephens, BSc, MA, MBA Deputy Head (Academic)

Stuart Murphy, BSc, MA Deputy Head (Pastoral)

Assistant Heads

Sam Adams, BA, MA (Sixth Form)

Charles Ben-Nathan, BA, MBA  (Director of Studies)

Rachel Marley, BSc (Middle School)

Yuvraj Nirwal, BSc, MA (Director of Teaching and Learning)

Amy Sellars, BSc (Lower School) 

Heads of Year

Holly Peck, BSc (Head of Upper Sixth)

Marc Stewart, MSt (Assistant Head of Upper Sixth)

Andrew Copeman BA, MSc ( Head of Lower Sixth)

Harriet Ekbery, BA, MA (Assistant Head of Lower Sixth) 

Debbie Kendall, BA (Head of Year 11)

Kathleen Webb, BA (Assistant Head of  Year 11)

Lucy Snooks, BA (Head of Year 10)

Megan Ronald, BA (Assistant Head of Year 10)

Catherine Lewis, BA (Head of Year 9)

Julia Selby, BA (Assistant Head of Year 9)

Katie Temple, BA (Head of Year 8)

Harry Harris, BA, MSc (Assistant Head of Year 8)

George Tidey, BA  (Head of Year 7)

Jenny Wong, BA (Assistant Head of Year 7)

Academic Mentoring Department

Nina Devereux,  LLB Dip.Level 7 SpLD PATOSS (Head of Academic Mentoring)

Natalie Weatherley, BA, CELTA, PATOSS (Second in Academic Mentoring) 

Leanne Ho, BSc

Fiona MacPherson, BA


Leslie Farago, BA (Head of Art)

Georgia Rodger, BA, MA (Second in Art)

Jane Clarke, BA 

Michael Cox, BA

Janet Hillis Maidment, BA, MA, MA (Head of Photography)


Elizabeth Hansford, BSc, MSc (Head of Biology)

John-Paul Flavell, BA, MSc (Second in Biology)

Kate Bartlett, BSc

William Budd, BSc, MSc

Jack Davey, MBiochem, MSc

Amy Luck, BSc

Saima Saleem, BSc, MA (Ed)

Eman Seddaoui, BSc

Careers and Higher Education

Chris Couch, MA,MA (Head of Careers)

Mark Holmes, BA (Director of University Admissions)

Pippa Gibbs, BA, MBA (Head of International University Advising)


Ed Forbes, MChem (Head of Chemistry)

Rebecca Thomas, MSci (Second in Chemistry)

Barry Cottam-Howarth, MSci, PhD

Helen Doyme, MSci

Ariola Gashi, BSc

Shan Naidu, MSc

Rachel Oxburgh, BA, MSc, PhD

David Paul, MChem

Holly Peck, BSc (Head of Upper Sixth)

Amy Sellars, BSc (Assistant Head, Lower School)

Mark Whitgift, MA 


Marcel Lewis, BA (Head of Classics)

Eleanor Rothwell, BA (Second in Classics)

Rebecca Wright, BA, MEd 

Rachel Collier, MA, MA

Greg Cook, MA (Chaplain)

Mark Holmes, BA (Director of University Admissions)

Claire Le Hur, MA

Shah Motz, BA, MA


Aidan Brophy, BSc (Head of Computing)

Niamh Holt, BSc

Kinjal Shah, BEng


Elizabeth Green, BA (Head of Design)

Sharon Whyte, BA, MA (Second in Design)

Nicholas Creak, BSc

Charlie Sandles, BA

Julia Selby, BA

Lucy Snooks, BA (Head of Year 9)


Justin Joseph, BA  (Director of Drama)

Mary Bruton, BA  (Assistant Director of Drama)

Stephanie Harris, BA

Aliyah Marie, BA

Suzy Woodham, BA

LAMDA teachers:

Maja Barcot (LAMDA Dip.)

Nik Drake (LAMDA)

Paul Tate  BA (LAMDA)


William Wearden, BA (Head of Economics and Politics)

Daniel Hamill, BA (Second in Economics and Politics) 

Sarah Fordyce, BSc, MA 

Paul Goldsmith, BA, MBA, FRSA

Laura Leicester, BA (Head of World Perspectives)

Charles Ben-Nathan, BA, MBA (Assistant Head, Director of Studies)

Saira Suchak, BA

Mark Wallace, BSc


Jon Mitropoulos-Monk, MA, MSt  (Head of English)

Frank Hutton-Williams, MA, MPhil, DPhil (Second in English)

Sam Adams, BA, MA (Assistant Head, Sixth Form)

Andrea Barlien, BA

Andrew Copeman, BA, MSc (Head of Upper Sixth)

Nadine Dalton-West, BA

Stephanie Harris, BA

Ciaran Lee, BA

Catherine Lewis, BA (Assistant Head of Year 11)

Joe Murray, BA

Madeleine Smith, MA, Msc 

Extended Project

Andrea Barlien, BA  (Acting Head of Extended Project)

Helen Doyme, MSci (Head of Extended Project)

Mrs Shah Motz, BA, MA 

Harriet Ekbery, BA, MA  (Assistant Head of Lower Sixth)

Sam Adams, BA, MA (Head, Sixth Form)

Kate Bartlett, BSc

Matthew Clark, BA, MPhil, PhD

Rachel Collier, MA, MA

Jonathan Geoghegan, BA (Assistant Director of Music)

Paul Goldsmith, BA, MBA, FRSA

Mark Holmes, BA (Director of University Admissions)

Shah Motz, BA, MA

Lucy Snooks, BA

Ian Thompson, BSc

Mark Wallace, BSc

Paul Wizonski, BA, MA


Alex Shackleton, BSc (Head of Geography)

India Owens, BSc (Second in Geography)

Lucy Cole, BSc, MA (Deputy Head Co-curricular and Operations)

Harry Harris, BA, MSc (Assistant Head of Year 7)

Rachel Marley, BSc (Assistant Head,  Middle School)

Alex McCafferty, BA

Megan Ronald, BA (Assistant Head Year 9)

Daniel Teh, BSc


Jonathan White, MA (Head of History)

Barry Bladon, BA (Second in History)

Leelaa Agravat, BA, MA

Ed Brooker, BA, MA, PhD

Matthew Clark, BA, MPhil, PhD

Lizzi Goodchild, BA

Marc Stewart, MSt (Assistant Head of Lower Sixth)

History of Art

Ruth Taylor-Bell, BA, PGDip (Head of History of Art)


Terri McCargar, BA, MA, MCLIP, Librarian

Helena Leeper, BA, MA, Assistant Librarian

Filipa Pedroso


Patrick MacMahon, MA, MSc (Head of Mathematics)

Theresa Andrew, MA, MA (Second in Mathematics)

Donal O’Hara, MMath (Third in Mathematics)

Neetha Alishaw, BSc, MSc

Tenasi Chang, BSc

Timothy Conlan, BSc

Gareth Cooper, BSc (Head of Year 8)

Jack Dean

Simone De Brouwer, BSc

Robin Fellerman, MA (Timetabler)

Jon Haines, BSc (Head of Lower Sixth)

Joe Jordan, BSc

Daniel Lafferty, BA

Monica McAteer, BEng

Ed Mann, BA

Andy Murray, BSc

Heerpal Sahota, MA, MA

Isabel Sudbury, MA

Modern Languages

Cameron Palmer, BA, MA (Head of Modern Languages)

Clementine Desmons, BA

Ian Emerson, MA, BSc (Senior Deputy Head)

Yen-Chiao Fang, BA, Med

Charlotte Healy, BA (Head of German)

Anna-Clare Hetherington, MA

Monica Jang Chapman, BA, MSc (Head of Mandarin) 

Jesus Jimenez, BA, MA

Debbie Kendall, BA (Head of Year 11)

Thais Lopez Martin, BA, MA (Head of Spanish)

Salli Parra, BA, MA (Head of Latymer Speaker Programme) 

Katie Temple, BA (Head of Year 8)

Kathleen Webb, BA (Assistant Head of Year 11)

Begona Windle, BA

Jenny Wong, BA (Assistant Head of Year 7)

Bella Wu, BA, MA

Language Assistants

Estelle Bara Taylor, BA, DipLaw

Carlota Porras, BA, MA

Josep Soldevila, BA

Charlotte Werrmann, MA


Tony Henwood, MA, ARCO, FRSA (Director of Music)

Jonathan Geoghegan, BA (Assistant Director of Music)

Harriet Ekbery, BA, MA (Assistant Head of Upper Sixth)

Dr Joseph Howard 

Peripatetic music staff

Lauren Abbott BMus, LTCL (Violin & Viola)

James Arben BA,  MMus, GSMD (Saxophone)

Rebecca Austen-Brown, BMus (RAM) (Recorder)

Andrew Bottrill, GGSM, Dip GSMD, MA (Piano) Head of Keyboard

Elizabeth Bradley, GRNCM, MMus (Double Bass)

Jenny Britton, BMus, PG, Dip, LTCL (Oboe)

Ruth Buxton, BMus RCM, LGSM (Clarinet)

Graham Caldecott, GRNCM (Piano)

Susan Clark, MA, ARCM PGDip (RCM), CTABRSM, LRSM (Piano and Theory)

Rebecca Coulthard, BMus (Guitar)

David de Winter, BA, MA (RAM) (Singing)

Dougie Freeman, BMus (Piano)

James Geidt, BA, MA (RCM) (Singing)

Stephen Gibson, BMus, GSMD (Percussion)

Sebastian Gillot, BA (Organ)

Rebecca Hepplewhite, BMus, LRAM (Cello)

Geoffrey Govier, DMA, MFA, MMus (RCM), GRSM, LTCL (Piano)

Mark Griffiths, MA, MMus (Singing)

Fiona Hymns, BA, MMus (Singing)

Frances Jellard, BA, RCM, Cert Adv Opera Studies, Head of Singing

Susan Jiwey, Mmus GSDM (Vocal Perf.), Mmus KCL (Hidt.Mus.), BA Hons (Singing)

Tom Lees, RNCM, Dip RCM (Trombone) 

Katie Lockhart, BMus, PG Dip Perf. (Clarinet)

Tom Marsden, BMus, MMus, Head of Percussion

Helen Neilson, BSc, PG Dip Adv (RCM), MMus (Cello), Head of Strings

Stephen O’Regan, DipRCM (Flute)

Mike Redfern, BMus, MPerf (GSDM) (Electric and bass guitar)

Gareth Procter, BMus (Classical Guitar)

Harriet Roberts LTCL, GTCL, FTCL, MMSM (Singing)

Howard Rowntree, BMus, RCM (Trumpet)

Juliet Snell, LRAM (Violin & Viola)

Susanna Spicer, MA (Singing)

Marion Sugars, GBSM (French Horn) Head of Theory

Simone Alessandro Tavoni, BA, MPerf (RMC), PGAD TL (Piano)

Jonathan Taylor, BA, MA (Jazz Piano)

Jo Turner, ARCM, Dip RCM (Bassoon)

Christopher Wood, LRAM, ARCM (Piano)

Eric Hui-Ti Wang, PGdip, MMus, MMP, GSMD (Violin & Viola)

Emily Wenman, BA, MMus, MA (RWCMD) (signing)

Luca Wetherall, BA (Oxon), Mmum (singing)

Rebecca Wood BMUS (Oboe)

Physical Education & Games

Natalie Maclean BSc (Director of Sport)

Jack Evans (Head of Rugby)

Paul Gibson, BA (Head of Football)

Ella Harvey, BSc  (Head of Netball & Athletics)

Mani Kochar, BA (Head of Hockey)

Nick Laws, BSc (Head of Boats)   

George Tidey, BA (Head of Cricket) (Assistant Head of Year 8)

Nick Barry-Parker (Head Rowing Coach)

Mike Benson (Sports Coach)

Steven Brandford (Sports Coach)

Michael Doherty (Sports Coach)

Jack Fogarty, BA (Sports Coach)

Catalina Giglio (Sports Coach)

Joseph Husband (Sports Assistant)

Emily Joice (Sports Coach)

Huw Jones (Rowing Coach)

Jack Keech, BSc (Rowing Coach)

Simon Lewis, BA (Rowing Coach)

Darla Matthews (Rowing Coach)

Jorge Puchol (Sports Coach)

Tom Roberts, BA (Rowing Coach)

James Stevenson (Assistant Boathouse Manager)

Ben Taylor (Sports Coach)

Andrew Turnill (Boathouse Manager)


Alex Birchmore, MSci (Head of Physics)

James Hunt, BSc (Second in Physics)

Thomas Henshall, MSc, PhD

John McCarthy, BA

Carlos Rodrigues Gomes, BSc

Ian Thompson, BSc

Daniel Wright, BSc, MSc

Chris Young, MPhysPhil


Will Wearden, BA (Head of Economics and Politics)

Stewart Faulkes, MA, PhD

Paul Goldsmith, BA, MBA, FRSA 

Daniel Hamill, BA

PSHE and Wellbeing 

Charlotte Jennings, BA (Head of PSHE and Wellbeing)

Amy Luck, BSc (Second in PSHE and Wellbeing)

Clementine Desmons, BA

Harriet Ekbery, BA, MA (Assistant Head of Upper Sixth)

Debbie Kendall, BA (Head of Year 11)

Yuvraj Nirwal, BSc, MA (Assistant Head, Director of Teaching and Learning)

Holly Peck, BSc (Head of Upper Sixth)

Megan Ronald, BA (Assistant Head of Year 9)

Eleanor Rothwell, BA

Kathleen Webb, BA (Head of Year 10)

Mark Whitgift, MA

Rebecca Wright, BA, Med (Second in Classics)

Religion & Philosophy

Elizabeth Dunleavy, BA (Head of Religion and Philosophy)

Paul Wizonski, BA, MA (Second in Religion and Philosophy)

Jack Boteler, BA, MA

Kat Burns, BA 

Karolos Galazoulas, BA, MA, MA

Luis Leal, PhD

Junaid Qasim, MA

Harry Waddington, BA

World Perspectives

Greg Cook, MA  (Head of World Perspectives)

Laura Leicester, BA 

Kat Burns, BA (Head of Year 11)

Sarah Fordyce, BSc

Mark Holmes, BA (Director of University Admissions)

Mark Stewart, MSt

Mark Wallace, BSc

Will Wearden, BA (Head of Economics and Politics)


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