Our bursary programme

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Latymer Upper School offers one of the UK’s most generous bursary programmes. We strongly believe that the life-changing education we offer should be accessible to academically ambitious and bright children who do well in the School’s rigorous entrance exams, regardless of their financial background.

Through fundraising, we are increasing the amount of financial help we can offer families. On our 400th anniversary – we will be in a position to provide 1 in 4 Latymer Upper School students with a means-tested bursary, with an average fee-remission of 80%.

Bursary applicants must first meet the same academic requirements for entry to the School as other pupils. 11+ and 16+ bursaries are means-tested and based on family financial circumstances. They vary in amount from 25% to 100% of fees.

For more information about our bursary scheme please click the button below. You can also find some examples of the sort of bursary awards we make.

If you would like to apply for a means-tested bursary please tick the relevant box when submitting your online registration. We will then send you a Confidential Statement of Financial Circumstances form to complete and return by the date on the form. Bursary applications are considered after the exam in the case of 11+ and at the time of interview for 16+ candidates.

If you would like to discuss any aspect of the bursary application process please contact the Admissions Team who will be very happy to speak to you about it.

If you are applying for a partial bursary, the registration fee of £180 (inc. VAT) is normally payable, if this presents difficulties please  contact the Admissions Team.


Admissions Team020 8148 4519admissions@latymer-upper.org
Aisha AnsaryDirector of Admissions & Bursaries
Siang Wei ChernAdmissions Registrar
Joanne KayAdmissions Registrar
Chris HayesAdmissions Assistant

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